Tuesday, 2015-04-21

--- Day changed Tue Apr 21 2015
-!- M4rtinK [~M4rtinK@ip-89-177-124-246.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #maemo-meeting00:36
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-!- kolp [~quassel@x5d86de1a.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #maemo-meeting17:56
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-!- M4rtinK [~M4rtinK@ip-89-177-124-246.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #maemo-meeting21:21
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-!- peterleinchen [~user@Maemo/community/council/peterleinchen] has joined #maemo-meeting23:00
peterleinchenhello :)23:05
juicemehow's the spring coming along there?23:05
-!- Oksanaa [~chatzilla@Maemo/community/council/Wikiwide] has joined #maemo-meeting23:06
peterleinchenwarm and sunny, really nice23:06
OksanaaRain, hail, wind, thunder23:06
juicemei'm a bit jealous... fairly cold here still23:06
peterleinchenoh, autumn has joined ;)23:06
peterleinchenbut you may go boarding ...23:07
OksanaaThat's a storm outside here... Glad I am not in Newcastle, though23:07
juicememmh, as I remember the storms in AUS can be fairly severe but not that cold :)23:07
juicemeboarding, no, that's over for the spring now.23:08
juicemenext time we'll have snow is 8 months or so... but it's definitely cold still (~ +5 celsus)23:09
OksanaaWell, the hail does not reach the ground, I think... Just touches the skin. But there was a time when hail did reach the ground, and it was 1cm sized I think. I remember mentioning it on #neo900 so you can find more details in logs ;-)23:10
juicemeregarding #neo900, when's the store opening?23:11
juicemeI thought it was to be imminent but no mention of it during the last week...23:11
OksanaaSoon-ish? Not sure, but I would guess within one month...23:11
OksanaaI do not know much. On TMO, vouchers were mentioned, right?23:12
juicemehope so, looking forward to it23:12
juicemewell I'd just like to top up my payment :)23:12
Oksanaavouchers are a way to let the store identify how much you have paid during pre-store period23:13
juicemeyes, I suppose it can be a bit of a hurdle to track, since the original payments went to Goldelico23:14
OksanaaYes, summing up Goldelico-100-EUR, and later Bank-or-PayPal payment(s) is a task for a human.23:16
OksanaaQuite complicated, but better than Time-Travel paradoxes.23:16
juicemeI have all confidence it can be tracked correctly. It's not about thousands of devices really23:17
juicemeya, would need the doctor to sort that out :)23:17
juicemeon another topic... I just cannot get why people keep spinning up the rumours of Nokia-returning-to-mobiles...23:19
OksanaaOkay, how is it going with PHP code? Anybody willing to read it? ;-)23:19
* Oksanaa , too23:19
juicemenobody commented yet23:19
juicemeso what I am going to do, unless prohibited, is to set up the new PHP in our next election23:20
juicemethat'll ebe the acid test :)23:20
OksanaaIt's like, Nokia phones are legendary, just like Siemens, and as long as Nokia is even remotely in hardware market, people will hope for something being made again?23:20
Oksanaa:-) And what's the difference between auto-calc and manual-calc?23:21
OksanaaLike, which code does not get executed during manual-calculation, or gets executed differently?23:22
juicemeyes I get the nostalgia, but still... people should look around and take a clue. It has been well and throughly explained that Nokia has lost/sold/trashed the capacity to design and make mobiles, the people are not there, the experiance has gone to other companies...23:23
-!- guest_101 [55b1d85f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #maemo-meeting23:23
OksanaaWelcome gerbick!23:23
OksanaaDid I guess correctly?23:23
juicemeI still have no idea why the automatic results didn't work the last ime23:24
guest_101just a gest23:24
OksanaaWelcome, nevertheless :-)23:24
juicemeis guest 102 fllowing then? :)23:24
OksanaaThere was an idea that auto-import of ballot-database failed, for some reason?23:27
OksanaaIs it done differently for manual calculation?23:28
juicemebut anyway, about the results calculation, I'd imagine if the next time too it will not give the automatic results then I'll believe there's something really wrong. If not, I'm ready to treat it as a once-off glitch.23:28
OksanaaOnce-off which happened in the past, too ;-) if I remember correctly. A glitch, yes, but not once-off?23:29
juicememight be the empty ballots caused something? (i think that was one consideration)23:29
OksanaaInvalid ballots, yes...23:29
juicemewell yes, it also happened before23:29
juicemeto fully verify it we'd need to have a full-scale installation to test it23:30
juicemeor at least a more accurate copy of the garage www server23:31
OksanaaWhat's the php file for reading the ballots, which may be sensitive to validness of ballots?... And gets executed differently when auto or manual calculation?23:31
juicemeunlike just the php code which can be tested fairly well separetely23:31
OksanaaDid the auto-calculation leave any error logs to look at?23:32
juicemecannot remember offhand. However the results of the ballots are handled off to the calculator which then tallies it and writes the html report23:33
juicemeno error logs that I found23:33
OksanaaWhy does Modest display %2F between [Google Mail] and All Mail?23:34
OksanaaYes, like encoded Space?23:35
juicemehave no experience on that, I am not using my N900 for mail23:36
juicememaybe peterleinchen knows?23:36
peterleinchenno idea, what oksana is talking about23:37
Oksanaa:-) I am not using it much, but it works well for finding links sent to somebody.23:37
peterleinchenusing it as main mail client :)23:38
OksanaaFor GMail, too?23:38
peterleinchenhave a gmail account but NOT using that one much ;)23:38
juicemeI am not using gmail myself, but I did create&configure an accout for my mother during the holidays :)23:39
peterleinchenjust took a look and looks allright on my side23:39
juicemeI am of the mind, that email is one of the things youreally want to be in control by yourself... am not outsourcing that service to google or anybody else :)23:40
OksanaaHmm... I am on CSSU-Testing. Up-to-date, afaik23:41
peterleinchenyou have latest tinymail and camel libs from cssu devel? else you might run into probs23:41
juicemein fact it is maybe the *most* private service you have... so why let big-G peek into your boxes?23:41
Oksanaajiceme: I haven't even put my bookmarks into order, so managing my own mail is not something I am willing to try, yet.23:42
juicemehehe :)23:42
juicemeI am of the hamster kind... never delete any mail if I can avoid it...23:42
juicemeand with good client/server setup easy to search when I need to remember something23:43
OksanaaIt's like, I have Nokia N900 (with hyperslow Fennec and https-less Links), laptop (with Chrome, Firefox and Seamonkey), and work-computer (with Chrome and Firefox)23:43
-!- kolp [~quassel@x5d86de1a.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:44
juicemeam using Tbird and roundcube (web frontend)23:44
-!- Win7Mac [~win7mac@x55b1d85f.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #maemo-meeting23:44
juicemeand Jolla as my main mobile device23:45
juicemehiya :)23:45
OksanaaSo, I am really thinking about setting up bookmark-syncing between these multiple points. But I am not going to use cloud, no.23:45
OksanaaWelcome Win7Mac23:45
Win7Macjuiceme, didn't you clean the code of election machine?23:45
juicemeOksanaa, I also don't sync my bookmarks. But caring for mail is a different thing :)23:46
Win7Macprobably an error introduced there?23:46
juicemeWin7Mac, the error we are talking about (automatic vote calculation hickups) happened on pristine code23:47
juicemethe modification I made later which enables sending PURL links with election mail does not touch that part. (and has not been updated to the main www server yet)23:48
Win7Macok, hm...23:48
juicemebut as I said before I am going to introduce that in next elections, unless overrided by good reasons :)23:49
juicemeand about cleaning the code, yes, I thought about it for a while, possibilities like rewriting it in node.js but that's just a thought, haven't done anything to it yet.23:50
peterleinchenWin7Mac, any ideas/plans how to transfer from Hildon to e.V.? monetary and legally?23:54
Win7MacDid you look at http://www.openstv.org/ ?23:54
Win7Macpeterleinchen, no clue :(23:55
juicemeopenstv is what is used23:55
Win7MacJaffa is the only only who really can do anything23:56
peterleinchenso how to convince him to do this one time effort?23:56
OksanaaWho would email him?23:56
Win7Maci tried several times and i resigned23:57
OksanaaHe will not be poked anymore once all HiFo things are transferred to MCeV?23:57
OksanaaNo reply? Does that mean he no longer uses that email, or something?23:58
juicemecould be he's sick, has moved, has had some personal things gone differntly...?23:59
Win7Macno. and he does reply, butr mainly telling lets wait (up to recently) and being busy...23:59
juicemeah then, the wait could be over soon23:59

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