Wednesday, 2013-12-18

--- Day changed Wed Dec 18 2013
juicemethedead1440, once you remove the openmode warning it stays removed, even when you flash back to closed mode with emmc&firmware00:19
thedead1440juiceme: ah ok it means the previous times i removed it was the reason for it to not appear again00:20
juicemeI think it comes back if you flash with --no-preserve but am not 100% sure... Jonni should know.00:20
thedead1440i had done a --no-preserve flash too yet it didn't come back00:21
valdur55Yea. It will come back00:21
juicemewell there has to be _some_ option to make it come back, or else how does it get set in the first place?00:23
juicemeunless it is only set at factory flashing via jtag...00:24
Jonniit is written to cal at 1st boot in closed mode, so it comes back when you flash back to closed mode.08:12
Jonnithats why people omit -R so it doesnt write warning back to cal before you flash the openmode kernel.08:14
-!- thedead1440 [~thedead14@unaffiliated/thedead1440] has quit [Excess Flood]11:23
-!- thedead1440 [~thedead14@unaffiliated/thedead1440] has joined #ubiboot11:23
-!- Zotged [] has joined #ubiboot12:19
Zotgedthis might sound obvious, but what is ubiboot's default root password when I connect with ssh
JonniZotged: there is none, untill you set it manually12:24
Zotgedwell for whatever reason I was unable to login as root with no password too12:25
JonniZotged: developer only sets passwd to nemo@
Jonninone means, that you cannot login before you set it from commandline12:25
Zotgedah okay. I'm not used to unix world it seems12:26
Jonnias usually you login as nemo, and use devel-su to gain root12:26
Jonniits a security feature that you cannot login as root by default, but you can if you explicitely set the passwd12:26
Jonniso there are no default password for hackers to use in order to attach your phone.12:27
Jonniattack even12:27
Jonniah, and sorry, I though that you were talking about Jolla12:28
JonniI just notived that you we talking about ubiboot12:28
Jonnitelnet  :)12:28
Zotgedyeah telnet works fine12:30
Zotgedactually I just mounted the device on debian and made the changes I wanted by hand in nano12:30
Zotgedcircumvented the problem nicely enough12:30
JonniZotged: "rootme" is the passwd for ssh root12:30
Zotgedcuriously it didn't work12:31
Zotgedlogin as: root, password: rootme -> access denied12:31
Jonniohwell juiceme would know better, but as telnet works so problem solved12:32
Zotgednow that we're talking about sailfish: any idea how to enable 3g on sailfish on n912:44
ZotgedI'll leave that for later13:04
-!- Zotged [] has quit [Quit: leaving]13:04
juicemeZotged, hiya14:53
juicemeah he's gone14:53
juicemethere's a clue in ubiboot.conf on how to configure ssh login :)14:54

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